Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Free Utility Software Pack For Windows

Format your PC and re-install with fresh operating system is troublesome and tedious task. You may need to re-install all office tool, utility program and multimedia players. If you do keep the installers of all require software then it should be pretty fast to "get ready" a PC. Most of the time, you may find that you lack a lot of software.

The Software for Starving Students provide the convenient of 1 CD with all require software/installers. Just download the ISO file and burn to CD. Inside the CD had all require utility software like 7-Zip, FileZilla (Free and Open Source FTP software), Firefox (no need to tell more, you should pretty familiar with it), OpenOffice (equivalent to open source MS Office), and VLC Multimedia Player (1-stop video player for rmvb, rmv, flv, avi, mp4, wmv and etc video format player).

If you like to get more detail on all software come with the ISO (or CD), browse to FAQ page for detail information (whether it Freeware or Open Source, how the CD work, how to burn into CD) and explanation.

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